Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh, The Possibilities

Justin and I met with a realtor this afternoon. The house we planned to see (and did see) was a house that would be a perfect project for "Flip That House." We, however, are not perfect contestants for that show.

There just happened to be another house for sale on the same street, and this house, while in need of some work, is not a perfect project for "Flip That House." Instead, it could quite possibly be the perfect house for Justin and I to call our first home. That is as long as God says okay and gives us the blessing to make an offer on the house, an offer that is about 15% under the asking price. Then we'll just have to trust that God will take care of all the details we can't wrap our minds around.

Right now, we just have to trust, and trust we will. And while we trust, I will trust you all to look at some pictures of the house and fall just as in love with the home as Justin and I did this afternoon.